How Does Digital Hotel Care Work?
We are creating an infrastructure that can quickly adapt to the digital age and meet global requirements with minimum cost, maximum benefit and sustainable profitability.
We serve as the online sales & digital marketing department of hotels.
We create and manage a sustainable, universal and most profitable sales & marketing network for brands with our own software and our own workforce.
Digital Hotel Care Difference
Travel Company Sales
Sample Booking:
Arrival: 05.08.2023
Departure: 12.08.2023
Booking Date: 18.01.2023
Pax: 2 Adults
Room Type: Standard Room
Sales Amount: 120-Euro
Paid to the Hotel: 100-Euro
Travel Company KB Rate: %2 (2-Euro)
Payment Date to Hotel:19.08.2023 (7 Days later of Departure)
Hotel Revenue: 98-Euro
Travel Company Revenue: 22-Euro
Digital Hotel Care Sales
Sample Booking:
Arrival: 05.08.2023
Departure: 12.08.2023
Booking Date: 18.01.2023
Pax: 2 Adults
Room Type: Standard Room
Sales Amount: 120-Euro
Paid to the Hotel: 120-Euro
DHC KB Rate: %0
Payment Date to Hotel:18.01.2023 (During Reservation)
Hotel Revenue: 110-Euro
Digital Hotel Care Revenue: 9-Euro
What is the Cost of Working with Digital Hotel Care?
We have a "0" initial cost option according to the projects that are self-resourced, sustainable and to be created.
Each facility has different requirements and each brand has different dynamics.
We have different cost options for our different services that meet all the needs of hotels.
We offer our services as a package or individually.
What is the Difference of Digital Hotel Care from other companies?
We are hoteliers. We have a team that has worked in Antalya hotels, in different departments, in lower level and managerial positions since 1999.
We do not work like agencies, digital advertising agencies or call center companies.
All the projects we maintain are realized with the name of the hotel, the official phone number of the hotel, the official accounts of the hotel, and the domains belonging to the hotel. In short, we are the online sales & digital marketing department of hotels.
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